COVID-19 Policy.


Following the World Health Organisation’s announcement that COVID-19 has reached pandemic status, the increasing exposure risk and our desire to ensure the well-being of our customers and staff, Interclean Australasia has enacted additional safety and health measures as part of its Business Continuity Planning (BCP) processes.

We wanted to ensure you that Interclean is focused on helping companies and facilities to minimise their infection control challenges while continuing to support your cleaning and auditing management systems.  

We are closely monitoring advice from the health authorities daily and planning for any further developments. We are encouraged and pleased that our industry is viewed as essential first responders in this time of need. I commend you for your efforts to flatten the curve in your respective businesses and encourage you to continue to meet the needs of those you serve, however you can.”

In the event that we are required to restrict usual business activities and travel, we will follow our standard protocol as we do when other communicable diseases such as influenza are prevalent in the community due to the contact we have with the Aged and Health Care sector.  

Our administration building is equipped with updated information on safe hygiene as well as hand sanitisers, sterilising equipment and we practice regular touchpoint cleaning. Our staff has been advised to proactively use social distancing whether in the office or when visiting clients and facilities. 

The continued safety of our employees and clients is our number one priority, and we have put in place strict protocols for any employees showing symptoms of illness regardless of their contact with high risk environments or oversees travelers. 

This is not a decision we have made lightly given the challenges it will place on our business internally and our valued clients.  

We have been and will continue to follow the advice of the Commonwealth and State Departments of Health in applying appropriate cautionary measures.  We will update you with any further changes as the situation continues to develop. 

We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you and your team all the best through the next season of challenge and if there is anything at all we can do to help you at this time, please reach out.